The Benefits of Yoga for Triathletes

Top reasons why most triathletes won’t practice yoga:

  • “I don’t need to be more flexible or I’m not flexible enough”

  • “It’s too easy”

  • “I don’t need another thing to do when I am already training 10+ hours a week”

  • “I’m not into the chanting, religion, or spiritual stuff”

  • “I’m already stretching”

I hear you, triathletes!!! I had the exact same thoughts, until…. I started taking yoga as a triathlete. Here’s what I have learned after becoming a TRX yoga instructor and after my 200-hour yoga teacher training!

Top reasons why triathletes should practice yoga!

Yoga is more than just downward facing dog, pigeon and tree poses!

1) Yoga is about balance, not just the balance of standing on one leg. But the balance of moving symmetrically between right and left sides, front and back, and with diagonal movements. 

Triathlon is a sport of symmetry, demanding that we use our bodies from head to toe evenly whether swimming, biking, and running.  (Are you only breathing to one side because you can’t raise one shoulder up?)

When you practice yoga, you will do movements that challenge your right and left sides, twisting motions, and moving in forward and backwards motions. Imagine how much stronger and more durable your body could be when your movement is balanced in ALL directions! 

2) Yoga is about flexibility, but not just about being able to touch your toes! It is about being able to adapt to what each day brings. 

Despite the repetition of triathlon, you can likely recall moments during past races that weren’t so routine! Forgetting your spot in transition, your goggles fogging up during the swim, a flat tire, …While we can’t always predict when things will go awry, we can learn ways to manage and cope. When you practice yoga, you will learn different ways to breath that can help you decrease anxiety, improve focus, and increase lung capacity. Imagine how much more energy you could focus on performance when you are flexible to the unexpected that happens during training and on race day! 

3) Yoga is about endurance, strength, and consistency physically AND mentally.

Triathlon is a demanding sport requiring that you hold postures for a long time WHILE moving your arms and legs over and over and over again. When you practice yoga, you will move your body in poses that require your trunk  to be stable while moving your arms and legs in a variety of positions AND be challenged to STAY in those poses. This requires muscular endurance, strength and repetition … similar to the postural challenges of swimming, biking, and running for a sprint to an ironman distance. Additionally, practicing certain types of poses and breath patterns can help promote mental and physical recovery.

Imagine being able to practice and improve upon the physical and mental challenges of a triathlon, while also experiencing recovery. With yoga you need only your body and your mind to do all of that. If you’re a triathlete consider giving yoga a try to see huge benefits in your race results. At The Movement Clinic in Pensacola, Florida, we offer TRX yoga as well as various private and semi-private yoga classes, specifically designed for endurance athletes. We also offer Physical Therapy for active adults and athletes. For more information, fill out the form below!

yoga for triathletes dr lynne virant

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